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That's a motherfucker, huh? And not in the Zach Wilson way, amrigight? NO TIME FOR BAD JOKES! This sucks obviously, as Joey B is one of the most fun players to watch in the league, is one of like, 10 good QBS, and sadly can't stay on the field. 

What's crazy is he entered the game last night already injured, and now we get to hear about this for weeks on weeks on weeks- was he injured before the game, or was he not?

Some say he was,



And some say he wasn't.



I mean, we aren't idiots, they posted a picture of him in a hand brace and then deleted it. And now he's out for the season. It's either a crazy coincidence and bad luck, or something was wonky with it coming it, and then it got worse after the Clowney hit.

I don't blame Dave for being pissed after he put 1/10th of Tommy Smoke's yearly salary on the Bengals ML last night:





You guys all better stop what you're doing an buy some god damn tshirts and High Noons or Dave won't be able to buy another house this week.