
Brazilian Swifties Have Donated Money To Charity To Have Taylor Swift's Junior Jewels T Shirt Projected Onto Christ The Redeemer

Holy shit. On the eve of Taylor's first Brazilian concert weekend, the Swifties below the equator have accomplished something insane. Earlier this week, there were rumors of fans requesting that Taylor Swift's Junior Jewels Tshirt (from the "You Belong With Me" music video) be projected onto Christ the Redeemer in Brazil, ahead of her concert, as a welcome. Swifties all over were asking for help to reach out to Father Omar, the man behind the projections onto the statue. (FYI, this happens all the time I've learned. They often project soccer jerseys, different country flags, lots of festive things onto the J Man.)

Father Omar heard everyone's cries, and decided to turn it into a charitable challenge:

In response to singer Taylor Swift’s fan mobilization on social media, the rector of the Christ the Redeemer Sanctuary Father Omar has welcomed the request of the “Swifties” and proposed a challenge: collect over 20,000 units of panetone and mineral water by 9 p.m. this Thursday, November 16, to help people in vulnerable situations and social exclusion.

The initiative is from the Sanctuary of Christ the Redeemer and aims to raise awareness and mobilize society against poverty and social exclusion, in commemoration of the World Poor Day, established by the Holy Father, Pope Francis, which will be celebrated on November 19.

Everyone can participate by donating a Kit (panetone + water) from R$15.00, on the Kickante website [ ] or through PIX: 33593575038863.

If the goal is met, the Christ the Redeemer Sanctuary will do the mapped projection at the Christ the Redemer monument in response to the request of fans with a welcome message to Taylor. The Sanctuary will bear all the costs of the projection and will continue with the mission of welcoming everyone with open arms.

With this challenge, more than 120 social institutions will be supported by the Sanctuary and thousands of people on the streets will benefit.

One thing about the Swifties, is that we're always going to rise to the occasion. Economy is in the tank? We've got you. Women aren't feeling empowered? Give us a sec. Donate thousands of dollars in record time towards a cause that benefits people in vulnerable situations and social exclusion? DONE. If it means we had a hand in helping our girl shine, we're on board. 

I actually can't believe this happened. I also had no idea that the projection rules on Jeezy C were so lax, so I guess it's not so crazy for people in Brazil to see him wearing something out of the ordinary, but we're talking about one of the SEVEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD. Taylor's 15 year old Hanes Tshirt with sharpie all over it, is on one of the most famous monuments of all time. THATS how happy Brazil is to host her for not one, but two weekends in a row. Six shows coming, 3 in Rio and 3 in Sao Paulo. Let's get some love for Brazil in the chat!!!