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Luckily I've Matured Over The Decades or Otherwise I would Have Said this Chris Broussard Clip Was Very Funny

One of the things I’m proud of over here at Barstool Sports is how we’ve matured over the decades.  Like old Dave would have said this is one of the funniest videos of the year.   The way Broussard’s cohost instantly raised his eyebrow when he dropped the R bomb.  And then the way Chris Brossard stopped mid sentence a few seconds later only to reveal the personal bombshell that his 1st cousin was also an R word and he recently died.  Obviously each part alone isn’t funny but put together the entire together and it felt like a skit from SNL.  Luckily I’ve matured so I won’t even mention it because things like these aren’t allowed to laughed at anymore even though everybody behind closed doors is laughing at this clip.