
Louisville Is Still The Ultimate Laughingstock - Arkansas Apparently Always Plays Their Clips To Show Players How Not To Play Basketball

I think ... I think I'm starting to feel bad for our little brother. I mean Louisville was always a decent program. It was fun to beat them when they thought they had a chance. Now? Now it's just expected and if it's even somewhat close it should almost count as a loss. That said, do you know how dogshit of a program you have to be for another team to show your clips and be like yeah, these guys suck, don't do that. Hilarious that El Ellis is on Arkansas now and has to watch him at Louisville. Brutal, but hilarious. 

This is all fair play for sure by the way. This isn't me just hating on Louisville. But when you win 4 games in a season and lose an exhibition to a Division II team, this is how you should be dealt with. You should have other programs being like, hey see these guys? They sucked ass, don't do this. Maybe try scoring. Don't turn the ball over every other possession and we will avoid being the biggest joke in college basketball. 

Might actually have to give credit to Louisville. Not every program can be the one who every other team studies. Sure, it might be because of how bad you are, but that's setting a standard. You don't hear UCLA being in every film session. Even Indiana can avoid it. But Louisville is setting a new level of program standards. Win 5 games and maybe you avoid it. Tough ask, I know, but hey you gotta start somewhere.