
Credit To The Jets For Not Only Beating The Broncos But Also Talking Their Shit For Nathaniel Hackett And Meme'ing Sean Payton To Death

Marty blogged C.J. Uzomah's comments before Sunday's game, which let everyone know The Nathaniel Hackett Bowl still had some juice for the Jets despite the beef starting months ago when everyone was starved for football and Aaron Rodgers not being their QB1 looking to avenge Hackett's name like some football throwing John Wick. Or at least as much juice as two 1-3 teams from different divisions could have.

All the Jets did was go out to Denver, snag the W, hype up Nathaniel Hackett, and take some shots at Sean Payton on their way out.



I'm by no means a fan of the Jets, but I have to tip my cap to Gang Green for actually showing up for a big game (or as big as a Jets/Broncos game could be in 2023), delivering, and then dropping some meme heat that would make Vindog proud. The teams in the Tri-State Area have been abject disappointments for a little while now with both baseball teams missing the playoffs despite having the two highest payrolls in the sport totaling more than $600 million and the Giants are back doing the thing where they cause their fans and the quarterbacks physical pain every week.

Meanwhile the Goddamn Jets of all teams went out, handled their business, and caused Sean Payton to turtle after getting beat at home by Nathaniel Hackett and Zach Wilson.

Not only that, but it looks like Broncos fans are already turning on their new coach.


Justin Edmonds. Getty Images.
Giphy Images.

Barstool has had no shortage of LOL Jets content over the years, but yesterday was objectively a nice win for them. So congrats to my Mets fan brothers/sisters that have chosen the Jets Life as they celebrate this Victory Monday and thank you to the Jets for winning that game and putting just a litttttttle less weight on Jalen Brunson's shoulders as he attempts to carry the entire city's sports hopes and dreams with the Knicks in a few weeks (along with the NHL teams in an extreeeeeemely divided hockey town).