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“My Dick Got Hard As Soon As I Saw Him Running In The Motion Back There” - Baker Mayfield Might Take The Buccaneers To The Super Bowl

This man just loves football. This is guys being guys getting so excited he got hard when he knew his receiver would be open. When you talk like this to your boys you know you are very close. You aren't saying this when you are just like work friends. Just in this four second clip you can tell the locker room loves Baker and will go to battle for him. He is the perfect QB for these guys after the old bag Brady left. 

Baker has finally found a spot where hopefully he can keep his head coach for a couple of years and have actual weapons at the wide receiver position. It's a competent franchise that has shown success recently and he deserves it after all the criticism he gets for not too many reasons. I also know Baker reads these blogs so Baker I have been the only supporter of yours over the past two years and I have got no recognition. I think I deserve the recognition when I was with you during the lows but you know I am not here for that, just want to show the world that you are a top 10 QB this year. Its crazy that you can tell the vibe of a team just off this clip and good for Baker shutting out the noise.