After Saying He Was Playing, Deshaun Watson Lied To Us All And Has Been Ruled OUT Of Today's Game Vs. The Ravens
Well, we're fucked. The 1st Browns are hosting their biggest football game in twenty years today when the 1st place Ravens come to town, and our QB1, the $230,000,000 man himself, is out. There was a certain big game buzz in the air this morning, but now it feels like a good day to cross apple picking off the Fall To-Do list. We're throwing out a rookie quarterback against Baltimore. That's the beginning of a horror movie if I've ever seen one. But what hurts more than the fact that we're about to get out shit kicked in for 3 hours in front of the entire country is that Deshaun Watson lied to us. He straight up said he was playing.
I'm not going to be the one to make the point because I'm sure you all will for me, but a man is only as good as his word. And if you're willing to lie about this, what else are you willing to lie about? Especially for someone in Deshaun Watsons situation, maybe a "we're going to give it our best shot to be out there" would've worked better here.
But it wasn't just Deshaun either. Kevin Stefanski said, and the Browns apparently leaked all week, that Deshaun was expected to go.
Listen, if this was strategy, fine. I guess. I don't believe it though. If he was never going to play, he wouldn't have participated in the ways he did in practice. But if this was not strategy, then shame on everyone involved. I'm not a doctor but I'd like to know the severity of this injury and the potential chance of making it worse. Because at the end of the day, David Njoku is showing up to the game with a burnt fucking face and playing. Joe Burrow is in Cincinnati saying there was a risk of reinjury but also a risk of going 0-3. And we've got the $230,000,000 man out here missing the biggest game of the season with a shoulder bruise.
I cannot believe I got my hopes up with this team. Three weeks into the season and we've already lost Nick Chubb for the year and Deshaun Watson can't play against the Ravens. But honestly, this one's on me. I got excited about the Browns once again. Talking playoffs and Super Bowl. But at some point I need to realize that this is Cleveland we simply cannot have nice things.