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The Toy Story Broadcast Is One Of The Coolest Things We Have Ever Seen

For all of you cheap bastards this morning, you are watching the toy story version because you don't want to buy ESPN+. I was a little skeptical going into this I was going to watch it a little so I can see what its all about but its fucking awesome. There is definitely a lot of glitches but thats the fun part of it. If this was the Giants there would be no chance I would be watching like this but two teams I don't care about this is a blast. Look how fun a fucking touchdown is. 

The fact that whats happening in the game is actually happening on this field makes no sense to me how the fuck they are doing that. There was so many good touches too. The claw being the thing that places the ball,  the slinky dog being the chains so many things are incredible. 

Also for all of you dads out there this might be the best thing to happen you on a Sunday morning. Usually your kids want to watch peppa pig in the morning while you have there lunch money on the Jaguars. Today though you sit the kids down and say we are watching the new toy story football movie and you have them and yourself locked in for 4 hours. This was definitely created by a guy who wants to watch football on Sunday but his kids keep wanting to watch something else. Obviously it wasn't going to be perfect but all around I think this is fucking cool.