
Sam Hartman And Notre Dame Ripped The Soul Right From Duke's Body In Another Insane Finish

Notre Dame was dead in the water, and mostly sluggish, one week after their heart-breaking loss to Ohio State in South Bend.

Then Sam Hartman made that run on 4th down (he wanted to throw the ball so fucking badly, but made the hero play and got popped at the end), and Notre Dame ended it with this...

Tack on the two-point conversion to cover the +5.5 spread and a perfect mix of happy and sad people everywhere.

I can't believe I am about to say the following line: I am gutted for Duke.

This tweet sums it up!

As Duke tried to drive and tie the game, a strip sack resulted in Duke QB Riley Leonard hurting his ankle pretty badly. Duke seriously might have been on the cusp of a Top 10 ranking had they won the game.

Credit to Sam Hartman, though, as he wanted to make sure he went over to chat with the injured Riley..

