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Counterpoint: The Las Vegas Sphere Looks Like The Most Incredible Concert Experience On Earth

No offense, but Karim wrote a terrible blog earlier about the Las Vegas Sphere. He headlined it "The Inside Of The New Sphere In Vegas Is The Most Nightmare Fuel Concert Scene Imaginable", then proceeded to post mindblowing video after mind blowing video after wrapping it up saying:

Alright maybe I am coming around on it. I'm not sure. I need to see more. Let's get someone else in there and I'll make my final call. Maybe throw the Swifties in there for a once in a lifetime experience? One can dream.

Giphy Images.

Enough with Taylor fucking Swift guys. Please, for the love of God. 

But back to the Sphere and my boy Karim's take on it. He wanted to hate on it, but by the end of his own blog, he found himself coming around on it because it's undeniably the coolest fucking thing humans have invented yet. Sure NFL Sunday Ticket and Pornhub are pretty sweet, but nothing on Earth can compare to this marvel that MSG and Tao Group finally unveiled last night in Vegas.

I've been all over this thing since it's announced opening at last years Super Bowl, via one of the more bizarre ads ever run during the Super Bowl,

up through my most recent trip to Vegas, and my guy Nate's visit where he was lucky enough to have a direct view from his hotel room when they lit up the exterior of it

My invitation from the Tao guys must have got lost in the mail because I didn't get to go last night like the rest of these celebs in attendance 


I got home from work around 3am last night which was right around the time U2 was wrapping up locally in Vegas and videos from the show started to pop up all over social media. Needless to say I was up until the sun came up this morning scouring the world wide web for them. I'm obsessed with this place. 

I'm not the biggest U2 fan in the world but I think I need to fly out there next week for a show just to experience this in person. 

Can you imagine seeing this while on mushrooms?

Giphy Images.

Karim is crazy thinking this is "nightmare fuel". This is heaven baby.

It's a shame Hunter S. Thompson is no longer with us to experience this thing himself.

Here are the best videos I found for us schlubs to see what we missed out on last night.

Here's the stadium seating, very similar to an IMAX theatre if you've ever been to one, except way more massive.


Here's video coming off the escalator entering the performance hall.

U2 apparently has a DJ who opened up for them? Playing in the middle of the pit? Pretty sick actually.

This is cool.

This is even cooler.


Here's the opening riffs of "Mysterious Ways"

Lebron actually got some incredible videos

CBS Saturday Morning did a cool interview with the band and got a private backstage tour of everything-


If you're a nerd and obsessed with this thing as much as I am, here's the best video you can find detailing how they built this thing and make everything come to life.

Here's U2 taking the stage and the lights all coming to life for the first time from some lucky bastard who had incredible floor seats.

And here's a bunch of other cool stuff I found - 




More on the U2 residency 
