Arkansas Fans Seem To Be Handling Their Loss Well ... Just Kidding They Are Sending SnapChat Messages Calling Sam Pittman A Fat Ass And Threatening To Sink His Boat
Tough day for old Woo Pig Sooie today. Texas A&M handles their business 34-22 in a conference win. Arkansas not only loses, but has some embarrassing plays shooting themselves in the foot like below.
And the Razorbacks are once again are in for what seems like a subpar season. Mediocre at best. So what do you do when things go wrong in the SEC? You do what any normal red blooded fan would do ... you call the coach a fat ass and threaten to sink his boat. Rational stuff.
Listen, I'm making jokes but the SEC is a different animal, it's actually both impressive and insane how serious these people take their football. Just lunatics in every sense of the word and I wouldn't have it any other way. The goddamn best. Just love all these wackos. Guy sending the text is probably home breaking down film and typing away furiously in a message board. Live breathe and shit football ... the SEC way baby.