
UAB Just Had 12 Guys On The Field For A Punt And Trent Dilfer Went BONKERS On His Coaching Staff In Frustration

Oh Boy ! What a clip. Just an absolute undressing by Trent Dilfer. In a moment they had to get off the field, they get nailed for the dumbest possible penalty. What is it with these guys and counting ? Last week ND puts 10 on the field, this week UAB puts 12 on the field. Get it fucking together guys, do we have to go back to the tape on the facemask like in Pee-Wee football ? Everyone is an adult ... let's at least cover the basics like counting and line up correctly for pete's sake. 

Also ... nothing I mean nothing worse than being an assistant coach and having to EAT it from the head guy. Seen it 6 million times and every time the assistant coach wants to break the head coaches face yet knows they got no leg to stand on because the head guy calls the shots. That's part of the deal. Dilfer went bizzerk, and per usual ... this guy ate it because he had to. Also because he was the moron responsible for 12 on the field. 

For the record ...that guy from Last Chance U is the worst of the worst, but I had to prove a point that head coaches absolute SMOKE assistant coaches.