
The Disney Animated Toy Story Version of Falcons VS Jaguars Is Going To Blow Our Minds

The iPhone in our pocket has more computing power than the Apollo 11 spacecraft that put man on the moon, and I don't think twice about that advancement in technology.  Disney is about to turn football players into Toy Story characters in real time, AND MY MIND IS OFFICIALLY BLOWN. The technology has probably been around forever, but how is this even possible? No one asked for this? Shut up, let us have fun.

I missed when the NHL did this last season, turning a Rangers/ Capitals match-up into Big City Greens. Probably because I've never heard of the game/show Big City Greens that sounds like a shitty $19 salad you'd buy at the Newark Airport. But everyone loves Toy Story, so I'm all in on in.

When Nickelodeon said they were going to animate games to get kids into the NFL, like the good ol' days when cigarette companies could advertise to kids, THIS is type of animation is what I expected. Instead, we got some weird slime cannons when someone scores a touchdown.

Yeah, I checked out the Nickelodeon broadcast, sue me. I see Nick, I click. This Disney broadcast seems worth checking out simply to see my generations equivalent of the moon landing. I most likely wouldn't watch this game, not because Booger McFarland and a twelve year old kid will be on call for Disney, and it will be awkward listening to a 12 y/o talk circles around Booger in the booth. Mainly because this match-up from London is a big bag of meh that cuts into my "getting shit done" time before the real slate of games starts.