
The National Media Needs to Get Off The Dolphins Meat

I'd rather see my girlfriends nudes get leaked on the internet than see the national media with the Dolphins as the #1 team in the league. Let me be clear, the Miami Dolphins are undoubtedly the best team in the league. I just don't need the media feeding us this rat poison.

As a die heart Dolphins fan who also loves to gamble on the NFL this is the LAST thing I want to see. These media guys don't know ball they know manipulation. They're going to pump the Miami Dolphins content into everyones head like how they pump special oxygen in casino's. Do we deserve to get our Dolphin weiners a little wet? Sure. But we don't need the full blow job just yet. This job is far from finished. A one point win in Buffalo means 100x more than last weeks 50 point smack down. I don't know about you but I'm tired of being the champs of September. It's time for us to be the new beast in the East. Fuck all the noise, fuck all the bullshit, go out there and handle business. I'll take care of the shit talking. 

I can't wait to attend this game on Sunday. The food is going to be great, the tailgate is always a blast, but most importantly, I want to witness the souls of Bills fans leaving their body as the Miami Dolphins go into their home and defeat them. If you think I'm unbearable now….. just wait until we win on Sunday.
