
Former 49ers Coach/Legend Jim Tomsula Just Led His European Football Team To A 14-0 Championship Season Where They Won Each Game By An AVERAGE OF 27 POINTS

What happens when you take the dominance of the 85 Bears and mix it with the perfection of the 72 Dolphins? You get a motherfucking JIMBO!!!

I must admit that if I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn into the carpet, I wouldn't be more surprised than I am right now blogging about Jim Tomsula running through the European League of Football like a bad case of diarrhea after going 5-11 with the 49ers back in 2015. Yet here we are with Big Jim Tomsula raising a trophy above his head after the Rhein Fire kicked the shit out of their slate of opponents like another legendary team, the 2001 Miami Hurricanes.

It turns out Tomsula is just like millions of other people in that he needed to find the right place to show his greatness, which in this case just so happened to be Rhein, Germany in a football league that will give you back-to-back bye weeks and let you eat a bucket of KFC while talking to the media.

Don't get it twisted either. Tomsula didn't inherit someone else's stacked team then rode them to a championship. He became the Rhein Fire's first head coach when they joined the European League of Football before the 2022 season, took one year to get his sea legs while guiding the Fire to a 7-5 record, then became the first man to actually conquer all of Europe from Germany.


This isn't a surprise to any of us that followed Tomsula back in the day when Big Cat was on the Tomsula beat.

Or saw the greatness of a true Football Guy.

Now we can add "Undefeated Champion" to Tomsula's resume. You know who doesn't have either of those words on his resume? Current 49ers coach Kyle Shanahan. Makes you think…