
South Carolina's Cock Tried To Take Out Georgia's Mascot Ugga

Credit to South Carolina, they pulled out all the stops to make this a game. It's not just the guys on the field, but the live mascots on the sideline giving it their all. Sure UGA still won, there's no denying Ugga got bitched here and is a reason it was only a 10 point game despite the spread being UGA -27. And not for nothing, Ugga also started this fight- if you watch closely the dog made first movement and started it. It's like during a UFC faceoff the one guy fake pushes and the other goes all out and pushes the shit out of them. This was the exact same thing. 

Really quick on the game, South Carolina is so disrespected and Spencer Rattler could be a Heisman Candidate if South Carolina goes on a crazy run. He needs his entire team to act like the mascot, all hands on deck.