
Shane Gillis Taking Frank The Tank To The Notre Dame Ohio State Game Can Break The Internet

I too have been thinking about this a lot because I think Shane Gillis is going to absolutely love Frank. I think in an atmosphere that isn't Citi Field Frank is going quite pleasant. I think that Shane is going to be in Awe of how content doesn't stop for him and that Notre Dame might be down a score with 10 seconds left and Frank might just start ripping Cameos in the stands. He might even see a new soda in the stadium and Shane will have to film it for him. The one thing I don't think Gillis is prepared for is that he is going to have to get a security team to escort Frank to his seat because he is too popular. Listen I am a fan of Gillis but Frank is going to be recognized way more than him. 

I also think this is going to spark a beautiful friendship after this. I would like to set up a meeting like two parents do before their kids have their play date. A couple of things I would like to go over with him would be first keep every Mets score out of sight for him. No reason for him to get upset when its his first time at the stadium. Make sure he has salt on him at all times so he can take a shot of salt when he is running low on fumes. Don't put any condiments on your hot dogs out of respect of his views of raw dogging it. And just don't make him drive because he doesn't go over the 50mph ever. I have been with Frank outside the office and it was a delightful time so I cannot wait to see what content comes out of this. Frank is the biggest star here and it isn't arguable.