
Musk Finally Does Something Right On Twitter And Makes It Easier and More Private To Be Hazardously Horny On The App

Oh hell yeah, brother. I am pumped about this. I like to cruise around twitter lookin for thick thots with no tops. Titties swingin in the wind with dicks not too far behind are what the internet is all about. Twitter is no different. I, like most red-blooded Americans, enjoy looking at some erotic pictures from time to time. I sit on the pot at work and thumb through my phone whilst lookin at Twitter feeds dedicated to delicious derrieres.  I also like to interact with those accounts which has led to me being blocked for commenting "sick clit" on a few. Whatever happened to freedom of speech????

Giphy Images.

But sometimes it feels like we cant succumb to our own desires. We have to deny our inner nature. It's very sad and disgusting to shame us for using the internet in the way god intented. The truth of the matter is that twitter users who like looking at some porny pictures have to be very careful. If you dont, youll end up like the junior senator from Texas. 

People will start to ridicule you for being horny for "step fantasy porn." SMH. People will start to say that you've been jerking off at work and that's just unfair unless youre the pirate king. It is possible, lest we forget, to enjoy the art form of naked bodies without jerking off to completion. It wasn't, however, possible to do that without marking a tweet as a favorite which sometimes we need to do! If you're lookin at porn and arent in a place or space to actually jerk off, sometimes you wanna save that for later. It's called a spank bank. Ever heard of it, ya prudes?

Anyway, good on Musk for making it easier and more private to be horny. If that would have been the case a few years ago, my pastor would still have a flock and a wife. It's too bad this policy cant become retroactive because a lot of relationships probably could have been saved.