
It's Pumpkin SZN And I Regret To Inform You That I Am Horny Again

Well well well. If it isn't my favorite time of year. We got a little bit of Fall on our hands and the NFL kicks off officially tonight. Some folks like to celebrate with a little bit of pigs in a blanket (swish) or an ice-cold beer when the mountains are bluer than ole Frank Sinatra's eyes. Not me. 

I like to settle down on the couch and pop a little pumpkin down my gullet. I don't care if it's beer, cream cheese, cereal, or just an erotic lookin gourd that is begging to experience the mild pleasure of my mildly impressive while still being extremely shitty dick. 

But just when I thought I couldn't get any hornier for pumpkin, my good friend Big Cat launches something that I want deep inside me. I wanna feel the warmth of it trickle down my throat. I want the bean juice to flow down my throat in such a way that casual passersby feel slightly uncomfortable each time I bring that big mug right to my mug. I want to have some dripping in my beard as a little bit of a flavor savor. I want pumpkin and I want it from Stella Blue. 

I also wanna still fuck that pumpkin. Make no mistake about that. I still wanna fuck that pumpkin and dont even get me started on Apple Crisp. We'll be here all damn day and up all night.

Also, if you havent tried these, you're an idiot. The best cold brew in the game.