We Just Had A Fight At The Rough N Rowdy Weigh In!!!!
Broadway Gabriela and Baby Machete!!!! I’ll say that again Broadway Gabriela and Baby Machete!!!! Only in Rough N Rowdy do you get people with names like that and have haymakers fly BEFORE they beat each others faces off in a boxing match the next night.
This Rough N Rowdy is going to be ALL TIME. Dave, Dan, Robbie, Large, Rone , Caleb, Jerry and Jenks fighting in honor of Frank The Tank against an Abel Brother.
Ice the high noons, turn up the AC and get comfortable . The fists will be flying and the entertainment and chaos will for sure ensue. Can’t wait.
Ps- shoutout King Frank … unphased as usual. He’s used to girls fighting over him.
#RNR22 Friday Aug 18th
-20 brawls from West Virginia
-5 round main events for 1st time
-Lights Out Laing rematch
-Abel Brothers VS Frank The Tank
-4'6'' vs 4'8'' title fight
-ring girl contest
-& MORE @roughnrowdy
Watch on BuyRnR.com or YouTube 8 PM