Chinese Kid Takes A Dump In The Middle Of Airplane Aisle Because The Bathroom Was "Too Small"

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ShanghaiPassengers onboard a Shenzhen Airlines flight ZH9709 on Sunday complained that two parents allowed their child to defecate in the back of the cabin.

This happened despite both bathrooms on the plane being vacant at the time, according to witnesses cited in a NetEase News report.

A flight attendant reportedly saw the child soiling the area in the back of the cabin before the plane took off, with the mother and another relative happily propping the kid up as if they were in a squat toilet.

When asked why she didn’t get the child to use the bathroom instead, the mother answered, “Your bathrooms are too small, the three of us can’t get in. It’s so spacious out here!”

Dude, what is China’s problem? Seriously, I’m not trying to start a war with an entire country here or anything (although it’s been pretty inevitable for a while now, Michael Scott told you that years ago. Did you know, that China has a new missile, that can sink a US Naval Carrier nine hundred miles off the coast? Did you also know that China has secretly been expanding its nuclear arsenal. But what do I know, I mean, that’s just according to the Pentagon. Our Pentagon)…but come on. There are like very few hard and fast rules that exist among all cultures, and one of them is that taking a steaming dump in the middle of the aisle of a flight is a nono. Yes maybe this flight was in China, but have you looked around a flight of your own lately? There are Chinese people on that too. Lots of them. And knowing that the society they are being raised in allows them to drop trou and drop a pile of shit in the middle of your flight is discomforting to say the least.

Seriously, this isn’t a one time thing.

Grossly enough, this isn’t the first case of its kind. A Chinese family made headlines last summer after they reportedly allowed their child to do his business in the cabin aisle of a Delta Airlines fight from Beijing to the US. In 2013, a mainland Chinese mother caused a scene after she was photographed letting her son take a squat on the floor at a Taiwan airport.

That’s called a trend.

As if worrying about terrorists storming the cockpit wasn’t enough. Now you have to watch out for kids splashing diarrhea on your shoes because they’re too picky about the size of lavatory toilets. God flying fucking blows.