
This Is Going To Shock You, But Louisville Is In A Shit Show Of A Situation (Again), Continues To Be The Biggest Disaster In College Hoops

Hold on real quick, found the perfect video to sum up Louisville basketball: 

Now it pains me to blog this. It really comes from the soft spot in my heart to let the masses know that Louisville basketball is once again in a shit show of a situation and continues to be the biggest disaster in college basketball. It's not even relatively close too. There's nothing like Louisville basketball. A once-proud program coming off a 4-win season a year ago and battling to win 5 this year. 

Well, that 5-game battle took a hit with top recruit Trentyn Flowers leaving this week to go play pro in Australia. Uhh, sure, okay. But our pal Mike Rutherford sums it up perfectly since he's a Louisville fan: 

Wait, no, not that one: 


This makes no sense. Flowers claimed he called Kenny Payne 7-8 times to tell him he's leaving and never heard back? He thought giving a 36-hour notice was enough? What the hell is going on out here? Only Louisville baby. Best in the country at being a shit show. At least Flowers is a guy who bought into Louisville: 

Tough look to tweet that out in May as Trentyn's mom, only to have him leave right before the season. I know this happens to teams across the country, but most teams aren't Louisville. In the last decade they've had this run: 

- Won a national title

- Vacated a national title

- The whole FBI investigation thing

- Firing Rick Pitino 

- Having recruiting violations because a hooker claimed she could squirt to the ceiling and was showing up in the dorm rooms

- Hiring Chris Mack only to fire Chris Mack

- Chris Mack getting blackmailed/extorted by assistant coach Dino Gaudio 

- Winning 4 games, worst season ever 

Think that's everything? Either way, sums up how the program is right now. And, hey, it truly pains me. I wish Louisville was still a competitive rival for Kentucky. It's pointless playing them now. It does Kentucky no good. Louisville is so bad, it's just embarrassing to lose to them now. It's an expected win at this point which takes away from a rivalry. A sad day, a bad day. Yet, somehow, a normal day for Louisville.