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Drake Absolutely Wincing While Taking A Shot Proves Celebrities Truly Are Just Like Us

CELEBRITIES! They're just like us! They take the subway (sometimes). They hangout with their friends. They go to sporting events. And it turns out they take shots literally JUST LIKE US and shoutout to our social team on an absolutely fantastic caption here with the Burnett's vodka during freshman year comparison. I vividly recall making that exact face many a times when I was a freshman year really getting into liquor like a little baby deer trying to learn how to walk. Bottle of Diet Coke, a personal of Apple Bacardi, so many putrid faces after shots and you had yourself one hell of a Friday night!

So yes it is quite cool to see a celebrity as big as Drake nearly puking up a shot mid-concert. We've all been there, hell I almost puked up a shot 15 times this past weekend it was AWESOME. Sometimes the body just can't take it and you know what? That's okay because clearly it happens to Drake. It has probably happened to Andre The Giant. It has happened to you. And it has happened to me. And it will keep happening until the end of time.