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The Most Tone Deaf Post Of All Time. Reporter Tells Story Of People In Hawaii Looking For A Rolex Among The Wreckage Of Homes

What a day. Beautiful Sunday, thought everyone would put on some acoustic music, maybe go for a walk, repurpose a wicker chair, go to the pool, or you know do anything but disgustingly insult people (and I guess themselves) by looking for a Rolex amidst an area of wreckage. But again this is the internet and I was wrong, should have known to never give people the benefit of the doubt. 

If you aren’t familiar, there were horrific fires in Hawaii. In any situation like this people not involved should do everything they can to help. Donate, give supplies etc. People directly involved should be thankful who those who survived, mourn those they lost, and focus on rescue efforts as well as taking all the time to deal with insurance etc. The last thing you should be doing is telling your story that you need to find an heirloom of all things a Rolex watch. (Anyone with a brain wears Brick Watches anyway) . Additionally , I haven’t won any Pulitzer Prizes (yet … still think my Saved By The Bell Steakhouse series can make a run at one) but what kind of Journalist looks around an area of devastation and decides I want to fight a story about people finding a watch and doesn’t think EVERYONE with a brain will get upset? Someone for the New York Times that’s who… can’t make it up with these dummies. 

Not since Uncle Frank telling his brother and  his sister in law “if it makes you feel any better I forgot my reading glasses” to two people who left their 8 year child back home while they tracked across the world.. AT CHRISTMAS no less… have I seen someone so tone deaf. 

What a moron ! And these two people are just as bad. If you want to Look for stuff like that keep it to yourself.