A Minor League Baseball Team Played All The Mets Fails On The Scoreboard As Frank The Tank Threw Out The First Pitch
This made me laugh way too much because there are so many different things happening in this video. First off, I love that Frank wasn't the only one to throw the 1st pitch. It was a bunch of like Girl Scouts along with Duggs And Frank. Everyone just went up there and threw more first pitches
Then you have the the King of First Pitches walking to the mound, soaking it all in, and knowing exactly how to handle the entire show. I can't imagine what some diehard Green Back Rockers fan thought of Frank if they didn't know who he is as he was grinning ear-to-ear watching the Mets fucking up on the jumbotron because he has been telling everyone they are a joke for the entire season. He was like "These guys get me completely". I also would love to know what the starting pitcher was thinking as he was trying to stay warm while this man breathes it in and takes in the entire moment.
I can't stop laughing at these visuals with these Girl Scouts who are probably so excited getting on the field and sharing it with The Units.
I need to get these girls' opinions on who they thought Duggs and Frank were. They have the right idea though. Both of them are treated like royalty at these stadiums and Frank actually might break the record of first pitches. I do have to admit that I am disappointed in Duggs. How do know you are going to throw out the first pitch and wear thong sandals? Having some good footing while throwing a ball is Day 1 First Pitch stuff. No excuses for a guy that has been touring Minor League stadiums for a while now.