
#EmbraceDebate: Is It Worse To Lose A Baseball Game On A Balkoff Or A Pickoff?

So it looks like the Baseball Gods decided to step up their game following the trade deadline by wearing their steel-toed boots during their nightly rounds of kicking fans in the dick, which has me trying to figure out which gutting way of losing hurts more. I'm clearly leaning towards choosing the balk off. I know people will say that is my Mets fan bias showing, but I assure you everyone that has rooted for this godforsaken franchise for even one minute knew that last night was going to end in some sort of Metsy fashion considering they officially punted on this season that was already pinned on the one yard line by trading Justin Verlander before the deadline. 

If you lose by a pickoff, you have to at the very least tip your cap to the opposing team for making a good play. The pitcher, the catcher, and the first baseman all did their job while your baserunner got caught leaning jusssssst a little too much at the worst possible time. Is losing by a pickoff an awful way to lose? Yes. But worse than a balk off? No.

Getting balked off hurts even more because your team didn't even get a chance to make a play to win the game or at the very least not lose the game. They literally couldn't even follow the necessary protocol to start a play in baseball and lost not because of the way the ball bounced but because of the words written down for Rule 8.01 in the Major League Baseball Rulebook. Why did that all happen? Because Josh Walker Balker (boom, roasted) didn't have a PitchCom in his ear.

Good times!

Again to be clear, not one Mets fan worth their salt thought they were out of the woods after the Amazins came back to take the lead in the top of the 8th (before coughing the lead back up in the bottom of the 8th). They also didn't think everything was going to be fine when Francisco Alvarez continued to be the brightest spot of this dark season by hitting a home run in the top of the 10th before having a front row seat to the Mets losing in typically horrific fashion. But those demented Baseball Gods going allllll the way deep in their bag for a balkoff following all the emotions Mets fans have been feeling this season let alone this week was impressive even for those sick fucks. I can't wait to see what they have planned for us over the next two months of baseball!