Woman Goes Viral For Saying One Of Her "Icks" Is Seeing A Man Happy And Smiling
This is going viral on Twitter today and fellas, there's a new thing to add to the list of things men can't do! Update the log. Eat, sleep, drink, be happy, etc. Who hurt her? This is the most New York girl thing to ever exist. Reminds me of the time that I went on a date with a girl (humble brag), and she told me that she broke up with her ex boyfriend because he was starting to do well for himself and she felt like she already fixed him. Ok.
And that story of the dude playing with some balloons before he popped it and she was immediately turned off? That's just one of life's simplest pleasures! Anyway, we have to stop doing these walk-up-to-a-stranger-and-ask-a-random-question videos, especially in New York. I don't have a lot of fears, but one of them is that I'll be walking peacefully through the streets of Manhattan and some dude will ask me what I do for a living. How do I answer that? Input robotic blogs into being the number 1 blogger (men lie, women lie, numbers don't!) at Barstool Sports? I'm not even sure he'd publish that part and instead just ask me to seek help. I digress. See you next time when we inevitably add breathing to the list of things men shouldn't be allowed to do.