
Braxton Berrios Revenge Tour Begins After Alix Earle Apparently Caught Smooching A 17 Year Old After His Senior Prom


It was all good just a couple weeks ago. Braxton and Alix were young and in love. She was posting him on her TikToks, he was bringing her to the ESPYS (Yes I know, I know, but shhhh), and these two were seemingly inseparable. 

But then Braxton went down to Miami for training camp and Alix went to the Hamptons and I guess she took the phrase "young love" a bit too literally after a few vodka soders, because......


CW - TikTok sleuths are convinced that Alix Earle has moved on from her latest flame.

On Monday, July 24th, Deux Moi shared several submissions from people claiming that Alix had cheated on her athlete beau, Miami Dolphins receiver Braxton Berrios.

The tips seemingly started with screenshots from Reddit that showed a photo of Alix out at a club beside Sebastian de Felice, the grandson of fashion designer Donna Karan of DKNY.

“Lol I was there they were making out for some time,” wrote a Reddit user under the photo.




Alright let's just cut to it- yeah it's fucking weird Alix Earle who is 22 was making out with a 17 year old (he turned 18 the next day). And I'm not sure if it's jokes or true, but people are saying it was after his prom which makes me laugh very hard.



But let's not for one second believe either she or Braxton thought they were about to get married. Have you seen 3 seconds of Alix's TikTok? She is is no way ready for a relationship, she's just trying to get drunk and get her rocks off, and good for her! 

And Braxton is trying to win a Super Bowl in Miami, not do a TikTok dance. I don't think he worked his life to make it to the NFL to throw it all away to do the Chicken Dance on BFFs.

Besides…and we are in the trust tree here, right?…I don't think Braxton is going to have any problem recovering from this. Dude is hot. 





Team Braxton all the way. 

I'm sure they'll link up when he's in NY or she's in Miami, but I think both of them will survive. 



PS: She can't be kissing 17 year olds though. Can't be doing that. Gross dude.