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Aaron Hernandez's Brother Was Arrested For Allegedly Plotting School Shootings At Brown University And UConn

The older brother of late football star and convicted murderer Aaron Hernandez was arrested last week for allegedly plotting shootings on two New England college campuses, police said.

Dennis John “D.J.” Hernandez, 37, was arrested on Wednesday — for the fourth time this year — after police received reports he was planning attacks at Brown University and the University of Connecticut, the arrest warrant obtained by WFSB stated.

One witness, believed to be Hernandez’s ex-girlfriend, told police that he borrowed her car on July 7 to attend a court date, but instead drove to the UConn and Brown campuses to “‘map the schools out,’” the statement continued.

“[Hernandez] said that ‘he has a bullet for everyone,’” the witness claimed, adding that she believed Hernandez was “extremely sick.”

About two weeks later, on July 19, Hernandez allegedly made a series of threatening posts on social media.

“‘Will I kill? Absolutely. I’ve warned my enemies so pay up front,’” the last line of one of the posts read.

In another disturbing online rant, Hernandez specifically mentioned UConn, where he previously played college football.

“UConn program is going to pay unless I have a package deal and I get my estate and every single thing I have worked for,” he wrote, according to WFSB.

“I’m prepared to give my life so if I don’t get to see you on the outside know I love you always. Not all shootings are bad I’m realizing. Some are necessary for change to happen.”

Officers arrested Hernandez at his home later that day, the arrest warrant said.

More sad news regarding Aaron Hernandez's case, his brother has been arrested after threatening to shoot up two schools. I think we should definitely research the role of genetics on CTE because, from the looks of it, D.J. and Aaron both have some erratic tendencies. This wasn't the only time DJ has been arrested this year. He got arrested after throwing a brick through a window at ESPN, with a piece of paper attached that said. 

“To all media outlets. It’s about time you all realeyes the affect media has on all family members. Since you’re a world wide leader maybe you could lead how media and messages are delivered brick by brick. Clean it up!”

Look I am no one to judge spelling but "realeyes" may be like one of those live laugh love poster quotes like:  Real Eyes, Realize, Real lies. He also may be just bad at spelling. His main beef with everyone is that he wanted to kill anyone who profited off his brother Aaron. The tragedy that hit that family is unfathomable to have their brother commit heinous crimes and then take his own life, definitely has serious implications on the trajectory of D.J's life. 

At the same time, when someone makes a documentary using your brother's likeness, does any of the money go to the family? From the sound of it a lot of Hernandez's contract was never paid out due to his conviction. According to Politifact, his death during an appeal did not prevent him from still being considered guilty and his family being entitled to the money. 

So you have a guy who is pissed that so many, including Netflix, ESPN, etc have profited from his family's tragedy and subsequently gone nuts because he believes they should not be able to profit. No excuse to shoot up a school but you can see how a guy could go mental after so many have made serious money off his pain. I hope D.J gets the help he needs and never gets access to firearms.