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Diddy Is So God Damn Funny In 'Get Him To The Greek'

Kevin Winter. Getty Images.

Last night, I rewatched 'Get Him To The Greek' (one of my favorite comedies of the last 20 years) and once again failed to keep it together any time Diddy was on screen as Sergio Roma - Jonah Hill's boss. 

In his few scenes, Diddy completely steals the show and delivers some of the funniest, most quotable lines in the whole movie - upstaging comedic acting geniuses like Jonah Hill and Russell Brand in the process. It's an incredible performance and really makes me wish he did more comedies.

Here's a few of my favorite moments….

"Throw that FUCKING phone outta my office!"

"You ever been mind-fucked before?"

"It's Biggest Loser Time! It's Biggest Loser Time! It's Daddy's favorite show! It's Daddy's favorite show!"

"The name of the song is 'I'm Gangsta!'"

"This is what old pussy used to look like in the 70s!"


I'm telling you - I'll put this Diddy performance up against any other supporting role in a 2010's comedy. I'd love to hear who was funnier!

'Get Him To The Greek' is on Hulu now if you want to stream it, and I'd highly recommend it. Aldous Snow is one of my favorite characters ever.

P.S. Yeah, this blog has no real rhyme or reason to it, other than the fact that I just rewatched this movie - but just watch those clips. Even if you've seen em already. I promise you'll crack a smile at the very least.