
A Quick Lesson In How To Get Your Dog To Go Down A Flight of Spiral Stairs

One of the most common fears dogs have is on full display with Billy's pup. Dogs simply do not like putting their paws where they either can see the ground below from up high or they dont feel like their feet are firmly planted. Spiral, metal staircases check both boxes. 

 Dogs are creatures of habit and tend to feel most comfortable in familiar environments. Spiral staircases might be intimidating or confusing for them if they have never encountered one before. On top of that, dogs have different visual perceptions than humans. The spiral shape of the staircase creates an optical illusion or distortion that makes it challenging for dogs to judge depth or understand the steps properly especially when the stairs are slick/metal. This can make the good boys and girls uneasy and reluctant to use the stairs. 

It is basically the same thing as dogs being in elevators. Most do not like it at first. The ground feels differently underneath their pads. They arent huge fans of that so you gotta learn how to manipulate them bad boys otherwise, youll be sad and so will your gorgeous little friend. 


Teaching a dog to go down spiral staircases using the technique of successive approximation involves breaking down the complex behavior into smaller, manageable steps. By gradually reinforcing the dog for each step towards the desired behavior, you can help them become comfortable with and confident in using the stairs.

The principles here are similar to a ton of behavioral issues that people want trained out. If I was giving Billy some advice, I start out with this shit. 

  1. Assess your dog's comfort level: Before beginning the training, observe how your dog reacts to the spiral staircase from a distance. Pay attention to things like their body language and any signs of anxiety or fear. This will help you gauge their starting point and how patient youll need to be. 

  2. Create a positive association: Start by creating a positive association with the staircase. Use treats, toys, or other rewards to lure your dog towards the staircase. Encourage them to sniff around the staircase and reward them for showing any interest or curiosity. Make it a happy place and not a scary place. They view it as scary so you need to remove that fear through play or praise. 

  3. Begin with familiar stairs: If your home has regular stairs or any other stairs your dog is already comfortable using, start there. Practice going up and down these stairs with your dog, rewarding them for each successful attempt.

  4. Introduce the first step: Bring your dog to the top of the spiral staircase and encourage them to take just one step down. Use treats or toys to entice them gently. Praise and reward them for any progress, even if it's just leaning towards the stairs or placing one paw on the first step.

  5. Incremental progression: Gradually increase the challenge for your dog. Encourage them to take two steps down, then three, and so on. Always reward their efforts and progress with positive reinforcement and mouth kisses.

  6. Take it slowly: Be patient and let your dog set the pace. If they seem hesitant or uncomfortable at any point, don't force them. Give them time to adjust and continue reinforcing positive associations


  7. Use a leash and harness: nearly always use a leash and harness during the training. This will provide you with better control and prevent them from rushing or slipping on the stairs.

  8. Avoid punishment: Never scold or punish your dog if they are hesitant or unwilling to use the stairs. This will only cause negative associations and make the training process more challenging.

  9. Celebrate success: When your dog successfully goes down the entire spiral staircase, celebrate their achievement with extra praise and rewards. Go bananas. Positive reinforcement helps solidify the behavior and motivates them to continue using the stairs.

Eventually, they'll get it.