
Guy Goes Temporarily Blind After Crying His Eyes Out For SEVEN Days Straight In An Attempt To Break A Guinness World Record

Source - A Nigerian man cried his eyes out — temporarily going partially blind in a tear-shedding world record attempt.

Tembu Ebere lost some of his vision as he tried to bawl nonstop for a whole week in one of many Guinness World Records attempts sweeping the African nation, the BBC reported.

The wannabe wailing whiz said he suffered headaches, a swollen face and puffy eyes before going partially blind for 45 minutes.

”I had to restrategize and reduce my wailing,” Ebere told the outlet, adding that he was determined to complete his tear-jerker — even though he has not applied to GWR so it would not count.

He was one of many Nigerians seeking to set world records since May, when a 26-year-old chef named Hilda Baci was officially logged at cooking for 93 hours and 11 minutes at a Lagos restaurant, according to the BBC.

The Video: 

What. A. Video. Did you hear the sounds that guy was making?! It was like a bull moose being taken down by a grizzly. He wasn't even crying either. Just whaling into the camera which almost makes me respect him more. Think about it...he tried to fake a Guinness World Record for seven days straight. Do you know how much commitment that takes? How much desperation? 

That said, the ironic part of this story is that the seven day record for crying gets broken all the time. Just look online. Ninety-nine percent of the people on the internet have been crying since its inception. Crying about politics, crying about their dating life, crying about bud light cans and the weather and travel and everything else you can possibly think of. They just don't it on camera. 

Regardless, going blind in the process has got to be brutal. That or a sweet, sweet release. And whose to say it even happened? If this guy fake cried during that video what's to say he didn't fake his blindness too. I guess we'll never know. That's it for this one. Thanks for reading.