Megan Fox Is Tarzan
I'm glad Megan Fox is making up for lost time. She hit the scene hard in Transformers, but then kinda left the spotlight for a while, getting married and having 3 kids. Now she is back in full force, doing weird things with MGK, and pretending to be Tarzan for photoshoots.
I actually feel for her. We know she is a wild and crazy gal. If only OnlyFans was around when she was coming up, she'd have a billion dollars and wouldn't be drinking MGK's blood. This would all be out of her system already, but instead she is 10 years behind and I'm not complaining. As a staunch supporter of #Women, I appreciate Megan expressing her sexuality as she sees fit, not letting the bounds of society dictate what she "should" or "should not" do. Yes all women! Get up in that tree and shake your tailfeather, girl!
Put her on the $20 bill! What was the last time Andrew Jackson did anything remotely close to this? Pretty sure he was just a racist weirdo. Megan Fox has had way more of a positive impact on way more people.