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A Passenger Plane Crash Landed, Spun Out Of Control, And Started Falling Apart Yet Somehow Everyone On Board Walked Away Unharmed

USA TODAY- A small passenger plane swerved off the runway on arrival Tuesday at the international airport in Somalia's capital city of Mogadishu, state media reported. The Halla Airlines aircraft "crash-landed" at the Aden Abdulle International Airport at 12:23 p.m. local time on Tuesday, according to a Somali Civil Aviation Authority statement posted by Somali National Television.

There were 34 people on board, including the crew. Two people sustained minor injuries, Somali National Television reported, while others were safely rescued.

I mean no disrespect to the two people who sustained "minor injuries" with my headline. But if your plane has a crash landing then starts spinning out of control like it slipped on a banana in Mario Kart before parts start flying off of it like crazy, I'm gonna chalk up those boo boos as collateral damage for God sparing everyone on that plane. 

I've watched that video about 10 times and still have no clue how nobody got hurt. Granted, my American brain that has been comfortably numbed by countless action movies expected to see the plane split in half, explode after the fuselage (I'm not sure if that's an actual thing on a plane) got punctured, or at the very least have the overhead compartments pop open which would've led to more than a couple of minor injuries. Yet somehow, some way everything ended up just fine. At least other than the 34 or so cases of PTSD that comes with the luckiest moment of these peoples lives. I know the joke goes that they should build the entire plane out of the black box. But if that's not possible, I guess building the plane out of whatever Halla Airlines uses is the next best thing.