
Luis Robert Jr. Is A Must Watch Tonight At The HR Derby After Showing Off His FIRE Bat

This is probably the coolest HR derby bat I've ever seen. How can you not pick LuBob to win after seeing this? Looks like a bat straight out of the MLB The Show. There's absolutely nothing likable about the White Sox besides this guy, and he's got probably the most effortless home run swing out of anyone in the field. He also doesn't waste time with popups or fouls so he fits the format really well. Imagine this thing roars every time he hits a nuke? The rest of the field would have no chance.

I feel bad for guys like WSD. I really do. Having your team's name as your literal namesake to your entire career and them being pathetic to watch cannot be easy. It's for that reason I think we should all root for Luis Robert tonight to give a little bit of joy to those desperate fans ahead of what will likely be an influx of Barstool employees new team after the move to Chicago. Their season is on the line tonight and it starts and ends with this unbelievable bat. Bring it home La Pantera.