
I Have Officially Run Out Of Words To Describe How Good Shohei Ohtani Is After His 10K, 2 HR Performance Last Night

I don't know what to say anymore. There is absolutely 0 debate regarding who the best player in baseball is. It's Ohtani. No one else is in his stratosphere and nobody is even close. We call him a unicorn, a video game player, out of this world, once in a lifetime player, but none of the can really sum up what we see from 17 every single night. 

But RDT what did he do last night? Glad you asked. All Ohtani did was go 3-for-3 with 2 home runs and a walk. Raised his average to .304 and increased his league leading home run total to 28. Not a bad night, except he wasn't done. He also went 6.1 innings, gave up 4 hits, 1 run, walked 2 and struck out 10 to bring his ERA to 3.02 on the year. 

So in conclusion, he struck out 10 guys and then turned around, put a helmet on and hit 2 home runs. It's jaw dropping how good he is. It is past the point of impressive, it's incredible every night with him. Oh, and that second home run he hit? He had been removed from the game as a pitcher just minutes before due to a cracked fingernail. Safe to say he's okay. 

I've pretty much run out of words to describe how good he is. Nothing does him justice. Just take into consideration you are watching the greatest baseball player ever, by far the most talented player ever too. Don't give me this Babe Ruth shit because he pitched too. Ohtani is doing it in a day and age where guys aren't coming straight from the coal mines with the black lung and trying to hit baseballs. He is striking out some of the best athletes and players on the planet, then he's putting his helmet on and hitting homers to lead the league. He is the best ever. Enjoy what you're watching folks because we will never, ever see something or someone like this again.