
"I Fucking Want To Stay On Parade This The Best Ever" - In A Stunning Twist Nikola Jokic Is Actually A Huge Championship Parade Guy

Justin Edmonds. Getty Images.

One of the best clips immediately following the Nuggets winning the title was how disgusted Nikola Jokic was with the fact that he could not immediately fly home to Serbia to go hang out with his horses

Well, fast forward a few days and look who just so happens to be the biggest championship parade guy on the planet

See, this is the power of Parade Day. As I said this morning, this is a day that changes lives. There's nothing like it and this is further proof. Look at that 180 Jokic did in just 3 days! The guy absolutely despises any sort of celebration and social interaction, but then he gets a taste of Parade Day and it turns him into a completely different person. Never in a million years did I ever expect Jokic to react like this. You know, show actual joy. Show that he does care about something awesome.

On some level, I think we can all relate to this. Maybe there was a party you were sort of dreading going to, maybe you perferred to just hang out at home and chill out. Then you get there and you realize these things are actually fun as hell and you love every second of being there. You're lying if you haven't had that happen in your life. Going out and meeting friends at the bar, going to concerts or parties, you know what I mean. 

The fear for the rest of the NBA is not that Jokic found something basketball related that he actually likes, there's a chance this is not the last time Jokic attends a championship parade. It wouldn't shock me at all if we're doing this same thing again this time next year



