
Jujitsu God Gordon "The King" Ryan Looks Like A Beaten-Down Version of Himself After Serious Illness

Everyone posts their best. Be confident enough to post your worst. This post is simply to update everyone on my current athletic status. I'm not asking for sympathy or help, and in fact, would prefer if you lose faith in me so I can prove you wrong like I always do. The last time I was this size,(201 lbs,20+ lbs this week) I was 21 years old. When I got the strep in early March, my ears became so inflamed that every time I elevated my heart rate I felt my head would explode. It's been 2 months since I've been able to do any intense activity. I spoke with my doctor and got the silicone stints taken out of my nose and I'm told I cant start lifting for another 3 weeks and training for roughly 2 months. This will make 3 months of 0 activity and 5 months of no training. That, coupled with the fact that over 40 days of antibiotics wasn't great for my stomach, it's safe to say I have a long road back to competition. My focus now, as an athlete, is on getting healthy and helping my team mates/students prepare for matches. No matter how ill I've been, there's nothing worse than not being there to help them prepare for upcoming matches, and not being there to give @danaherjohn the Gordon he deserves. My goal in this sport is simple- double gold in ADCC until I'm 40 years old and have more ADCC medals than Buchecha has world titles. That being said, for 5 years now, my body, specifically my immune system and stomach have been barely cooperating with this plan 😅.  Given the time ive missed to nurse my pathetic body back to health, it may be difficult long term to stay ahead of the curve I was once far ahead of. I have done so thus far and have no intention of letting those down to depend on me. The goal isn't to be in the mix having fun. Winning, that's what's fun for me. I will attempt to, and succeed at staying on top until my body quits on me completely. Doctor prescribed antibiotics are as much a gift as they are a curse. Theyve saved my life a fair amount of times, yet also ruined it. Antibiotics have done my body more harm than anything else in my life. Thank you for being patient with my competition schedule. Just know, when I come back, boy, will I be back 👑

Man, this news really sucks if youre a fan of jujitsu or submission grappling. There is no one on earth who is better at either than Gordon Ryan. For years, Ryan has been dominating damn near anyone who would roll around with him on the mat. 

I read an interview with Gordon Ryan a little while ago. I cant remember where I saw it but Ryan basically said, "I go into a camp with a move I really want to work on. My last camp I really wanted to work on a heel hook on the left heel. I would train that move everyday. By the time my match would arrive, I had mastered the move to the point where I would only win using that move. I do that for every type of submission so now I have mastered dozens of submissions."

Scary. And he fucking gets it too. 

Anyway, I hope the doctors figure something out because Gordon Ryan is way too young to not be the greatest jujitsu fighter and submission artist who ever lived anymore. 
