
The A's Released Their First Renderings For A New Vegas Stadium And It Is Straight Up Porn


I think if there is one thing the entire Internet can agree on, it's fuck Adam C Best. But if there are TWO things the entire Internet can agree on, it's stadium renderings are fucking AWESOME. You put a new stadium rendering in front of my eyes and I don't need PornHub or your mom that night, no siree. Put the stadium in Vegas and buddy, we are cooking with some hot, hot, hot gas now. 

And that's exactly what the A's did today. They released their first renderings of a new stadium right smack dab on the Vegas strip at the sight of the current Trop, and my heavens they are beautiful. Sure a ton of the games will have to be with the dome closed because Vegas is a make believe city in the middle of a desert where it's 100 degrees on a cool day, but still, the renderings are god damn gorgeous.

Now obviously this in now way is the final stadium. In fact I'd highly doubt it'll resemble this much at all...especially because you cannot build a 1.5 billion dollar baseball stadium in Vegas without a fully retractable roof. I'm guessing they released these pictures as a way to lobby for the funding they are asking for- basically saying "look at how amazing this will look if you guys foot the bill for us". And if I'm the governor of Nevada I hand them a blank check immediately. What's $1.5 billion anyway? Pretty sure that's one day of grannies at the slots. 

Best news? We probably will have another year or so of cool renderings before the actual design is finalized. Pray for PornHub stock.