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Big Boi From Outkast Helped Call Some Of The Braves Game Last Night And HOOH-LAWD Was It Awesome

For my money Outkast is not only the greatest rap group of all time, they are one of the greatest musical groups of all time. I know that will ruffle some feathers but I would put their discography up against just about anyone.

Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik was a lot of people's first glimpse into the world of southern rap. ATLiens made them break out stars and Aquemini is one of the most well-produced, heavy hitting albums front to back you can find anywhere. It was like the production of Pink Floyd had a baby with storytelling of Slick Rick. When the beat fades and then returns at the end of Aquemini and those dudes start tearing the beat limb from limb I can't help but be like...

Giphy Images.

I think the most impressive thing they ever did, however, was walk away before they fell off. That NEVER happens in any genre of music but especially hip-hop. It allowed them to maintain their mystique and pursue other ventures like movies, fashion, and…MLB color commentary?

That's right Daddy Fat Sacks was in the booth for the Atlanta Braves last night and it was electric. All the HOOH-LAWDs you could handle. If the MLB wants to figure out how to make baseball cool again just throw Big Boi in the booth for every nationally televised game.

"He put the mustard and the mayonnaise on that one!"

"Oh lawd! What is that?! He's a magician."

I could listen to it for hours. I need to hear some Ohtani strike out calls featuring Big Boi. I need Judge home runs with "OH LAWD!" being yelled over top. I need more southern food references in my baseball commentary.

I would say they should have a famous local rapper do games in every city but there isn't a soul on earth that could make it sound half as cool as Big Boi. Except perhaps Andre 3000. 

Now let's vibe out to some Outkast, shall we?
