
Common Sense Finally Wins: YouTube TV Is Allowing An 'Unlimited Amount Of Simultaneous Streams' For Sunday Ticket

[Source] - For customers of the base YouTube TV package, each account permits up to three simultaneous streams. Originally, that wasn’t going to apply to Sunday Ticket.

It now will. And apparently then some.

YouTube announced on Thursday that, in response to customer feedback, Sunday Ticket includes “unlimited simultaneous streams” for home viewing.

Finally chalk one up to common sense here. I know this was a fear when it was announced that YouTube TV won the deal to get Sunday Ticket. I say this as someone who is set in my ways, especially when it comes to TV. It's going to take a long time for me to get used to switching over to YouTube TV as I've been a Sunday Ticket person since the beginning because my parents refused to watch Eagles games after we moved to Pennsylvania. I know I can hit channel 703 for Red Zone and then go up to find games. I know I can have it on multiple TVs.

And that right there is the key. We live in a world now where a bunch of houses have multiple TVs in one room. It's the correct way to live, especially in your office, secondary room, basement, whatever. I'm not a big multiple TV in the living room guy, but anywhere else? No brainer. You go your team on TV1, Red Zone on TV2 and whatever game means the most to you on TV3. 

It would be fucking crazy to limit it to one stream at a time. What are we going back to the 90s? We've come such a long way in how we watch TV. Shit, take out even moving to HD and everything like that. We have anything and everything we want to watch - as long as you subscribe to the million different things. We have everything on TV now. There was once a time that you had to have a package to watch every NCAA Tournament game. Going back to one TV to stream means you're watching regional shit on the other TVs. Gross. 

I look forward to the day that we all complain about the streams. Football will be back on our TV at least.