
Thank You To This Hero For Dropping The Thread Of The Year On How Problematic Taylor Swift Is — And Also How Great Her Tickets Are To This Weekend's Show

Note: This woman set her Twitter account to private because she was getting rightfully scorched for this batshit insane thread, so I have screenshotted her original tweets from a thread reader app, where you can read her entire monologue here.

It's going to take you a few minutes to read all 16 delusional tweets from Holly Stallcup about her upcoming trip to see Taylor Swift in concert, but I promise it's entirely necessary. M. Night Shyamalan couldn't have crafted a thread with a twist as good as this one.

First, it was that Taylor needs to seemingly be canceled for dating Matty Healy. I don't really know anything about the guy to be able to confirm or deny the claims made in the above tweet, but I'm going to guess they're probably more than a little bit embellished. Also, who the fuck is this woman to think she has any sort of "public leadership"? Your 9,000 Twitter followers are not a license to lecture society.

Additionally, Holly notes that if you're a white woman going to one of Taylor's concerts, you're likely too stupid to know the terrible harm you are causing others in society.

As if the new boyfriend drama and apparent lack of critical thinking from millions of white women weren't enough, though, Swift is also apparently too rich to support.

Man, this girl really hates Taylor Swift. I guess I can at least respect the consistency of her positions, regardless of how delusional they may be. She obviously wouldn't put all this on Twitter and then acknowledge in the exact same thread that she's not only still going to Swift's concert this weekend, but that she has amazing tickets that she got for cheaper than everyone else paid for worse seats.

Because that would be an insane and ridiculous thing to do.


Credit where it's due: that's an outstanding thread. To go from shitting on Taylor Swift to bragging about how great your tickets are for her concert in just over a dozen tweets should be taught in journalism classes across the country.

Also, please don't call this woman a hero. She clearly wants to avoid attention as much as possible for her bravery.