
Usually I Don't Care Who Is At Voluntary OTAs. That Being Said, Chase Young Should 1,000% Be At Voluntary OTAs


I'm a reasonable person. I see everything as a spectrum, as fluid, not as black and white. I think everything can have two sides of the story, two reasonable explanations. I find it ridiculous, let's use politics for an example, that someone can be 100% on one side of the aisle, on one side of an issue. 

So when it comes to voluntary OTAs, I think you have to be reasonable with who does and does not need to be there. Tom Brady could sit on his ass in the Bahamas during OTAs, no questions asked. If Patrick Mahomes didn't show up to May 23rd OTAs, fine by me. But if you're Chase Young, you 1,000% should be at OTAs and it's not even CLOSE. 

Chase Young, get ahold of yourself. You were the 2nd overall pick, a can't-miss prospect, as close to a sure thing as possible. And in your NFL career you have done next to nothing. Injuries suck, believe me, I get it. But my god, you can't walk around like you're the king of the ring when you have 1.5 sacks in your last 13 games. You can't walk around like you didn't just have your 5th year option declined. 

If OTAs are for players who need more development, who need more training, and need more time on the field, Chase Young should be the first one in and the last one out. Nobody needs more time on the field than Chase Young. 

I'm beginning to think the guy simply does not like football. It's been a pattern with him, his reluctance to give 100%. It just seems like he'd rather not be on the field. Maybe he's scared of getting re-injured. Maybe the injury made him lose a step and he hasn't mentally recovered from it. Whatever it may be, it's a pretty bad sign when a guy you thought would be a leader of the franchise can't be bothered to be around the franchise. 

Everyone wants Chase to succeed. This isn't some bias against him. That would be outrageous to think anyone is against him. He just seems pretty indifferent. Only 3 players didn't show up. Three. And one of them is supposed to be the face of the franchise. 

The best case scenario is he comes out of the gates this year and proves us all wrong. Proves OTAs are silly and we shouldn't care what he's doing on May 23rd. Usually that's my mindset- it's fucking MAY, who cares. But in this case, it just matters a bit more.  

I think the best conclusion to make is this is the end of the Snyder Era showing its face. I don't expect Chase to be here next season. Maybe he's simply another draft pick who won't pan out. Or maybe he's still the all-world player he was at OSU and just needs a change of scenery. Whatever it may be, he should be with the team, getting better. He's proved nothing in his career so far besides a reluctance to be all-in. I hate to see it, but at this point maybe it just is what it is with him.