
Jaime Benn Just Cost His Team The Game With One Of The Dumbest And Dirtiest Penalties I've Ever Seen

Bro...what are you doing!?!?

Down 1-0 in the game, 2-0 in the series, and you just absolutely SNAP on home-ice. Bang 5 minute major, game misconduct, and an immediate 2 goals for the Knights. This series has been a coin flip with both of the first two games going to OT and Benn basically just got his team eliminated from the Western Conference Final barring some sort of miracle. This is an ATROCIOUS penalty and it's not like Mark Stone even did anything to him. A little bump that Stone took the worst of. Benn looked at him and decided that with 18 mins to go in the 1st period of Game 3 was a good time to make Stone drink through a straw for the rest of the summer (unsuccessfully, Stone didn't miss a shift). 

Imagine being a guy like Pavelski who has been through ALLLLLL of the fucking wars for what feels like 20 years and you can sniff a Cup right up until your captain loses his god damn mind. Unbelievable.