
Listening To Jimmy Butler Credit The D-Rose Bulls For How He Is As A Pro Will Put A Big Smile On Your Face

I know I said smile in the title, but it is really half smile and half cry. 

Those teams were so perfect for this city from a mentality standpoint. So lovable. Tough, mean, smart, and fun as hell. That little clip of Butler sums up everything that you love those teams as a fan. Jo, Taj, Rose, Luol. Easy team to love because they worked so hard. I probably didn't even appreciate them as much as I should've because I was so locked into the peak of the Blackhawks, but they were everything I'd want in an NBA team. The anti-banana boat crew. It was obviously never the same once Rose got hurt. Just makes you wish and wonder what could've been if Rose stayed healthy and overlapped with the Jimmy Butler who became an All-Star getting 20 points a night and being an impact guy on defense. They were close, man. It's probably what still keeps Noah up at night.