
Boom Roasted: Phoenix Sports Social Media Director Tells Patrick Mahomes To Worry About Keeping Jackson Mahomes Out of Jail Before Recruiting The Arizona Coyotes to Move to Kansas City

Take that Patrick Mahomes. You keep the Coyotes name out of your god damn creepy brother having mouth. How dare you insinuate that the Coyotes relocate to Kansas City. 

Sure, the city of Tempe, Arizona vehemently turned down the Coyotes proposition to build a $2.3 billion dollar entertainment district in a last ditch effort to keep an NHL team in the city of Phoenix. It doesn't matter that the Coyotes are already as good as moved out of Arizona entirely. Who cares that they don't even own their own stadium. A stadium that holds less than 5,000 people. Who cares that they got strong-armed by the Arizona State Sun Devils into sharing the center ice logo.

How about before you start begging the Coyotes to relocate to your stupid fucking city that can't decide what state it wants to be in, maybe take care of your own weird TikTok brother's legal troubles first. Have you even hired him a lawyer yet? Have you dropped a bag of cash on his victims door step, or sent a van full of goons to his accusers home to intimidate her into dropping the lawsuit? Have you bought your brother a one-way plane ticket to the country of Thailand where he might be a better cultural fit? No? Then shut the fuck up about the ARIZONA Coyotes. 

Edit: Shame on me for not including pics of this woman
