
Chelsea Handler Said 50 Cent's Penis Was Too Big For Anal And He Responds

50 Cent recently posted a clip on Instagram from ex-girlfriend Chelsea Handler's stand-up routine where she mentioned his penis size in a very specific context."It's a big pill to swallow in the beginning, but when you warm up to the idea, and you pick the right candidate, right?" Handler said of anal sex. "Small or medium, you know, you're not going to, like, do that with 50 Cent.""Yo she is so crazy ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†," 50 responded, calling Handler "hand[s] down the funniest."

Man, what a life 50 Cent lives. One minute he's just minding his own business and slinging vitamin water all over his huge mansions and doing general boss shit. The next minute he's reading about how his ex from over a decade ago is still thinking about how meaty and veiny his cock is. That's true respect but it cant be reciprocated and that's unfair.ย 

For instance, what if a music artist came out and said that their ex had a huge pussy? Would that be ok? ย I don't think so. Having a big dick is all fun and games until people ruin your chance at having a little anal. It's kinda like the dick version of a green cow. If I say or write green cow, you can't stop yourself from thinking about a green cow. Now, reverse that same lesson and you'll see my point. If you put it out in the world that someone cannot do anal because their penis is too big, the next thing you know, the streets are saying you have a green cow cock. Not good!

So while 50 Cent took it like a champ made it seem like a compliment, deep inside he might have felt differently. It might have hurt and there's nothing worse than that.ย 

Here she is talking about 50 Cent's penis again. SMH

Poor Jo Koy. He's never gonna get that kinda penis shoutout and that's gotta hurt more than the divorce.ย