
USAF Captain Describes Thinking a Nuclear Base was 'Under Attack' When a UFO Disarmed All the Missiles

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Unfortunately these days, basic cable has evolved into pretty much the last place you want to go to for credible news and information about UFOs. It seems like anything you find on the topic on what used to be reasonably fact-based networks is some talking head claiming everything ever built on Earth was done so by aliens, from the great pyramids to Stonehenge to Fenway Park. For some reason, about 10 years ago wild speculation based on zero evidence from totally unreliable sources became the order of the day. And replaced the template of intelligent inquiry into the unknown that was established by Leonard Nimoy (RIP) on In Search Of … about 45 years ago. To find anything truly interesting, you've got to go to paranormal documentaries on the streaming platforms. And even there, you've got to sift through a lot of dog shit to find the diamonds.

But credibility is not completely dead on TV. For instance, there's this documentary, on National Geographic UK. In which US Air Force Captain Robert Salas (Ret.) describes what happened on March 25, 1967, when he was in command at Malmstrom AFB in Montana:

YouTube - Project Blue Book and the investigation into UFOs closes. There is no evidence that mysterious objects represent any threat to U.S. national security. But harrowing incidents of UFO sightings continue and the unexplained malfunction of U.S. nuclear missiles after an incursion leave the U.S. defenseless. Now, three former Air Force officers who served at nuclear weapons bases in the late 1960s break two decades of silence to tell their story.

tl;dw: Salas describes getting a call from "the guard upstairs" reporting "strange lights over the facility." Lights that were "reddish, orange, pulsating," and hovering low just outside the front gate. Lights that appeared to be on a solid, oval-shaped object. 

Five minutes later, the same guard calls back, "screaming," "very frightened" and "babbling," reporting that he and the other guards have guns drawn, and are requesting orders. 

“I told them, ‘Make sure nothing enters the fenced area,'" Salas explains. "When I hung up the phone, I thought we were under attack. By who or what, I had no idea. And then we get bells and whistles going off on our control panel, and we could see the lights going from green to red all across the board meaning the missiles were inoperable now." 

As seems to be so often the case with these incidents, the person reporting the encounter is the furthest thing from the stereotype of the unhinged crackpot looking for attention that we always used to hear about. An images that is as reductive as it is false and downright insulting. 

Once again, we're talking about our best and brightest. Captain Salas was in command at a frigging nuclear missile facility. If we're putting nutjobs in charge of weapons capable of destroying the human race, we've got bigger problem than unexplained lights in the sky. 

And the kicker is, episodes like this have been reported before. In fact, you can draw a direct connection between the first atomic bomb tests in the 1940s and a major increase in UAP activity. At the risk of making yet another Leonard Nimoy reference (two per blog is my limit), there's a belief among UFOlogists that they aliens are drawn to us by the detection of nukes in the way the Vulcans first came to Earth when humans created warp drive in Star Trek: First Contact. That's a hypothesis I reject because it ignores the long history of sightings that goes back centuries. 

But still, you can easily imagine an advanced species taking a laser-focused interest in us having the ability to destroy ourselves. Because we are still (to use Joe Rogan's phrase) territorial apes with nuclear weapons. If anything is going to draw their attention, a bunch of silos filled with hot, zizzing, uranium-fueled destruction ought to do it.

When you consider the Fermi Paradox, one of the scariest explanations for why we haven't heard from any extraterrestrial beings in the vast expanse of the universe is because when they get to where we are, they blow themselves back to their own Stone Age. Assuming there are some who manage to survive past that point, it seems they'd take a keen interest in preventing us from doing likewise. In the same way we try to save endangered species. By powering down our most advanced weapons systems, they're demonstrating they have the power to save us from ourselves, and aren't afraid to use it. Like a parent taking a pair of grown up scissors out of the hands of a hyperactive toddler. We don't know any better, but they do. 


Let's hope that's it, at least. We have a lot of stupid, arrogant, power hungry ignoramuses around the world who have access to nuclear codes. And those are just the ones we know about. Having some more highly evolved beings playing referee who can take the weapons right out of our hands until we're advanced enough to get rid of them ourselves might be the only chance we've got. Whatever the motivation, you'd have to be a lunatic yourself not to believe Capt. Salas' story.