
The Last Thing I Expected To See Today Was Doyle Brunson Dunking On Mike Matusow From The Afterlife



I gotta say, out of everything I've ever woken up shocked to see, Doyle Brunson tweeting from the afterlife was not one of them. And the fact he used his tweet from Heaven to dunk on Mike Matusow, my goodness, my jaw hit the floor. 

I need more details on this- was this Doyle's last dying wish? Like was it in his will that when he passed someone log into his Twitter account and send a tweet from the afterlife? And furthermore, imagine being Matusow, just minding his own business, waking up and seeing Doyle (jokingly) is blaming YOU for his heart giving out! Obviously it's a joke but it's still staggering to see. The imagery of Doyle in his final few days crafting up a tweet to dunk on Mike is so god damn funny. 

Which now begs the question- what would you want tweeted from your account in the afterlife? Once you take your last breath, what do you want tweeted from your account? My first instinct would be to chirp Dave, but that's obviously what he would want. If someone made their death all about him, he would consider it a win, so that idea is out. Maybe I'd dunk on Adam C Best again? Maybe I'd use it to spread some positive message? Maybe I'd type some coordinates to a buried treasure? The possibilities are endless.

RIP to Doyle, once again though. 



PS: WSOP starts in 11 days. I will be there from May 30 through the Main. Kinda living a lifelong dream of playing the full WSOP. There are 17 potential events on my schedule, but because of day 2/3/final tables/etc I won't be playing all 17. Looking forward to making a deep run in something! I'll be blogging it and doing IG stories, hope to make you guys proud.