
We Have Found The Perfect Niche For Rico Bosco

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Yesterday on The Yak we were deep in a Snickers pie rabbit hole. Jerry told Rone to get one at Carbone's, they apparently don't have one, Jerry maybe tried to get someone fired, it was a whole big thing. Luckily, someone from Carbone's came by the show and brought by some hazelnut cake for us as that was what Jerry was actually referring to.

But where could we get a real Snickers pie? Turns out, one of our own showed us how to make our own during a very dark time in his life.

Sad and angry food TikTok. Buzzfeed got it started with Tasty and Rico Bosco is the guy to take this thing to the next level 10+ years later. Follow our guy on TikTok for more: 

And be sure to watch yesterday's full Yak: